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Hünnebeck in the UK | ST’AIR

ST 60 Access Tower, integrated into state-of-the-art shoring tower


Easy handling, exceptional safety.

Photos & Videos

Watch the video showing the easy assembly of the ST'AIR Access Tower!


Product Advantages


Work productively

  • Exits possible every 50 cm
  • 100% compatible with and adaptable to MODEX scaffolding
  • Any level can be accessed with only a few different parts

Work safely

  • Assembly does not require PPA or specific training
  • Advanced railing ensures safety
  • Craneable due to various attachment points
  • All parts weigh less than 15 kg
  • Easy assembly without a crane
  • Simple, intuitive assembly without screws or pins
  • Hot-dip galvanised steel parts
  • Safe access in accordance with EN 12811-1
  • Operating loads in accordance with NF P93-521
  • Maximum access height 24.00 m

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